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Eastern Redcedar Expansion, Effects, and Control

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Key Points: Changes in wildland fire regime have led to an expansion of eastern redcedar in tallgrass prairie. Increased eastern redcedar leads to decreased herbaceous biodiversity, decreased forage production, and increased Wildland Urban Interface concerns.

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Prescribed Burning: Liability & Insurance Considerations

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Webinar: Rangeland Forecasting Tool

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Range management is like being a trial lawyer: you need all the evidence you can get to help you make decisions how your management and production objectives may need to change. State-and-transition simulation models are a general tool that can be used to forecast changes in vegetation across landscapes in diverse ecosystems. This webinar will give an overview of what state-and-transition simulation models are; describe the software tools available to develop and use them; and present case study applications specifically geared towards rangeland issues such as grazing rates, fire and invasive plants. The webinar was presented by Leonardo Frid of Apex Resource Management Solutions Ltd. ( Leonardo has been developing tools for ecological forecasting and training others to use them over the last 17 years. He has worked in various ecological settings from rangelands to forests across North America.

A few resources to accommodate this webinar:

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Prescribed Burn Ignition Techniques

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02 Burning Intervals

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05 Land Management

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03 Water Troughs for Goats

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02 Fences for Goats & Bump Gate

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01 Super Gene Goats

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01 Fire Intervals

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