K-12 Education

Fire In the Great Plains Series: Getting Started

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This video is the second in a series describing fire in the Great Plains. The series features ranchers in the region and local experts discussing prescribed fire. This video focuses on how to get started using prescribed fire. Learning how to burn can be a daunting proposition, but making use of landowner resources and local expertise can make the process easier.

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Fire In the Great Plains Series: Why Burn?

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This video is the first in a series describing fire in the Great Plains. The series features ranchers in the region and local experts discussing prescribed fire. This video focuses on the need for burning grasslands in the region.

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Understanding Fire Behavior in the Wildland/Urban Interface

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This video on fire behavior discusses structural vs. wildland fire operations, methods of heat transfer, fuel types and effects, weather, topography and how it effects wildland fire, and extreme fire behavior. Find out more at: https://www.firewise.org/

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Prescribed Fire Associations

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A Prescribed Fire Association is a group of landowners and other concerned citizens that form a partnership to conduct prescribed burns. Prescribed burning is the key land management tool used to restore and maintain native plant communities to their former diversity and productivity for livestock production and wildlife habitat. Native prairies, shrublands, and forests supply the majority of livestock forage and 99.9 percent of the wildlife habitat in Oklahoma. Without fire, native plant communities become dysfunctional and unproductive. Research has clearly shown that there is no substitute for fire. Oklahoma’s ecosystems are fire dependent and not burning is poor land management.

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Firebreaks for Prescribed Burning

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This fact sheet from Oklahoma State University describes the use of firebreaks in prescribed burning.

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Firewise Plant Materials

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This fact sheet describes a variety of plants that can be used in fire-resistant landscaping.

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Grassland management with prescribed fire

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This document provides an overview of the use of prescribed fire in grassland management. It describes the history and importance of fire in grasslands, plant responses to fire, and potential benefits of fire. Fire planning, safety, and legal concerns are summarized. In addition, guidance on special uses of fire is provided.

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Management of tobosagrass rangeland with prescribed fire

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Tobosagrass is a productive, but coarse and generally unpalatable grass. Distribution extends from western Texas through southern New Mexico to southeastern Arizona and north-central Mexico. An important characteristic of tobosagrass is perennial stems; these stems and the unpalatable nature of tobosagrass ensure that large quantities of standing dead grass accumulate. This manual describes management practices for tobosagrass rangeland.

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Management of Sand Sagebrush Rangelands

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A new fact sheet for managing sand sagebrush in rangeland is available from Oklahoma State University. There is a nice section about fire; take a look.

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Patch Burn Grazing to Manage Fuels, Igniton, and Wildfire Spread

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This fact sheet describes the use of patch burn grazing (PBG) to alter fuel structure and continuity. Burning in this manner has the potential to slow the spread of fire, thus decreasing wildfire risk.


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