K-12 Education

Out on the Prairie

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With delightful collage illustrations and additional informative text, this showcase of the animals, flora, and fauna native to the prairie in Badlands National Park, South Dakota is solid science fun!

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A Tallgrass Prairie Alphabet: Reading

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Claudia McGehee’s scratchboard illustrations depict old friends like white-tailed deer and the short-eared owl, as well as endangered species like the greater prairie-chicken, all living in harmony within their native habitat. 

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Large-scale fire management restores grassland bird richness for a private lands ecoregion

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To read the full publication, click here 

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Reducing Woody Encroachment in Grasslands

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Chaining Trees After Wildfire

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 Aaron Flanders handout from field day.

For specs please click here

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Chaining Specs after Wildfire

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For the publication hand out from A.Flanders at the field day to be used in conjunction with these specs, please click here

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Prescribed Burning Communication Kit

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The Communications Kit provides resources to facilitate discussion and interactions within and between those who conduct prescribed burning and local communities.


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Use of elevated chaining for cedar skeleton removal following fire

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This publication not only explains why and when to use the chaining method but also includes design and details for assembly of the equipment. 


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Wyoming Prescribed Burning Regulations: Review of Policy, Guidelines, and Case Law for Private Lands

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Prescribed burning is the application of intentionally set fires to meet specific resource management objectives in native and agricultural ecosystems. These include enhancing wildlife habitat, reducing fuel loads and wildfire risk, burning crop residue and cleaning irrigation ditches. Prescribed burning should be carefully used because of air quality concerns and escaped fires can injure people and damage property. As a result, burning in Wyoming is subject to regulation and individuals may be liable when regulations are violated or where failure to exercise reasonable care results in an escaped fire that causes damage or injury. This bulletin provides an overview of the law and regulations regarding prescribed burning on private land in Wyoming.

For more information, see attached article. 

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2020 National Prescribed Fire Use Report

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The National Association of State Foresters (NASF) and the Coalition of Prescribed Fire Councils (CPFC) worked collaboratively to produce the 2020 National Prescribed Fire Use Report. Since 2011, the two organizations have partnered to prepare triennial reports (in 2012, 2015, and 2018) on prescribed fire activity, state-level programs, and barriers to prescribed fire implementation. These reports remain the only fire surveys that assimilate state forestry agencies’ fire intelligence for use among the prescribed fire community.

For more information, check the attached file. 

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