K-12 Education

Forest Stewards Guild: Controlled Burning on Private Land in New Mexico

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A Forest Stewards Guild report in partnership with Promise PCES LLC. May 2017

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Prescribed Burning Conservation Practice Information Sheet

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Naturally occurring fires have historically been an important factor in determining plant and animal distribution and composition in Missouri. While natural fires are random and uncontrolled, prescribed burning is the process of applying a controlled fire to a predetermined area to meet certain goals and objectives. Prescribed fire is used as a tool to manage natural communities and planted grass stands. It can set back succession by controlling woody invasion, improve wildlife habitat by stimulating desirable and suppressing undesirable plant species, improve poor grazing distribution, and reduce wildfire risk. Other uses of prescribed burning include preparing sites for planting or seeding, removing slash or debris, and enhancing seed production of target plant species.

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Synthesis: Fire Ecology of Greater and Gunnison Sage-Grouse

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This review summarizes the fire effects information and relevant ecology of greater sage-grouse and Gunnison sage-grouse in North America that was available in the scientific literature as of 2016.

Read the Synthesis

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Patch Burn Grazing 2014- Presentations

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If you missed the 2014 Patch Burn Grazing field meeting in Grand Island, NE, you can still get a flavor for the presentations. Due to technical difficulties we did not capture the audio, but you can still see lots of great content in the presentations. I am confident that the authors will be happy to talk with you more about the work they shared. The PowerPoint presentations have been converted to .pdf files for better file management.

Managing Prairies for Biological Diversity and Ecological Resilience: Chris Helzer (chelzer@tnc.org)

Insights into Pyric-herbivory on grassland ecology, management and production: David Engle and Derek Scasta (david.engle@okstate.edu)

Patch Burn-Grazing in the Northern Tallgrass Prairie of Eastern South Dakota: Alexander (Sandy) Smart (alexander.smart@sdstate.edu)

Chippewa Prairie Patch Burn Grazing Update: David Trauba and Joe Blastick (david.trauba@state.mn.us)

The Switzer Ranch: Sara Sortum

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The Prairie Project

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The Prairie Project has transferred from a K-12 educational website to a central location for all information regarding the prairie ecosystem.

Visit The Prairie Project website

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FireWorks Educational Program

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FireWorks is an educational program about the science of wildland fire, designed for students in grades 1-10. The program consists of a curriculum and a trunk of materials, including laboratory equipment, specimens, CDs, books, and kits of specialized materials for teachers. Content focuses on the physical science of fire behavior, human influences on fire, and fire ecology in the northern Rocky Mountains and North Cascades.

Learn More about the FireWorks Eduational Program

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Indigenous use of fire: FireAdapted

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Return To Tradition, this video is the second in a series from The Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) regional office out of Oklahoma. The focus is on how to fireproof a property.

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Indigenous use of fire

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Watch tribal elders discuss how fire was used for land management.

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Prescribed Burn 1: Fireguards / Firebreaks 3 of 3

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This is the third of three Fireguard videos. These videos are designed to help land owners and managers build effective fireguards. This particular video is addressing black lining. These videos are to be used as learning tools and necessarily show mistakes made by the crews shown. That is why we are showing them. They are intended for grassland systems. Thanks to the Doane College Prescribed Burn Program, The Konza Prairie Biological Station, Spring Creek Prairie Audubon Center and the Nebraska Tri-County Burn Association. The Video was shot with The Fire Cam Mini HD from Fire Cam Products.

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Prescribed Burn 1: Fireguards / Firebreaks 2 of 3

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This is the second of several fireguard videos. This video is designed to help land owners and managers build effective fireguards. These videos are to be used as learning tools and necessarily show mistakes made by the crews shown. That is why we are showing them. They are intended for grassland systems.

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