K-12 Education

Effects of growing-season prescribed burning on vigor of sericea lespedeza (Lespedeza cuneata)

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KC Olson of Kansas State University presented a webinar entitled “Effects of growing-season prescribed burning on vigor of the noxious weed sericea lespedeza (Lespedeza cuneata) in the Kansas Flint Hills,” KC discussed his recent research to learn how growing season burns affect sericea lespedeza.

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Climate change on rangelands webinar

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Dr. Wayne Polley discussed climate change in rangelands. Projected effects of regional differences in change on plant production and communities with implications for fire regimes.

We presented a webinar on March 5 by Dr. Wayne Polley, scientist with the Agricultural Research Service. Climate change discussions often gloss over the Great Plains, but Dr. Polley will focus on predictions for rangelands in the Great Plains.

ABSTRACT: Climate change science predicts warming and greater climatic variability for the foreseeable future, including more frequent and severe droughts and storms, as a result of increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases in air. The ecological consequences of the primary climate change drivers, including elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2), warming, and precipitation modification, will vary regionally on rangelands. Warming and drying are anticipated to reduce soil water availability and plant production in the southern plains, southwest, and northern Mexico, but warmer and generally wetter conditions will likely enhance these processes in the northern plains and southern Canada. The northwest will warm with little change in annual precipitation. Elevated CO2 will reduce negative effects of drying across regions by increasing plant water-use efficiency, provided that water is not severely limiting to plants. Specific consequences of climate change may include modifications to forage quantity and quality, fire regimes, plant community composition, and plant species distributions. Motivation to begin to adapt to climate change requires only the recognition that there exists sufficient directional change in climate to modify rangelands and the services they provide.

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Training Exchanges from the ground up webinar

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Jeremy Bailey and Ben Wheeler discuss the goals of training exchanges, how they work, and why they are successful.

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Google Maps and Fusion Table Webinar for Fire Science Exchanges

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Cynthia Annett explains how to use both Google My Maps (formerly known as Google Maps Engine Lite) and Fusion Tables. She also describes the benefits of both programs, and which of them would be more useful in different situations. These tools are a great way to showcase video narratives of fire effects on the land in a spatial context.

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Fire, harvester ants, and horned lizards-Links between land management, predators, and prey.

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In this study, we examined how prescribed burning influenced the home range size of Texas horned lizards in central Texas. In addition, we also examined how fires and drought influenced the nutritional quality, abundance and density of the primary prey item of the lizard. We then modeled how these factors influence lizard survival. Fires changed the vegetation of the area in a predictable way. Fires impact horned lizard survival, but differentially between sexes. Finally, fires change the nutritional quality of the ants, but not in the way you might think. These data will help guide future habitat management and restoration efforts.

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Patch Burn Benefits Prairie Ecosystems: Bill Sprouls

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Bill Sprouls, Kansas Rancher, discusses his philosophy of ranching. Bill takes a holistic view that includes wildlife, fire, soils, and economics. Thanks to the Kansas Grazing Lands Coalition for making this video available. Bill Sprouls (2 of 2)

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Redefining Wealth as Soil Health: Bill Sprouls

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Bill Sprouls, Kansas Rancher, discusses his philosophy on ranching and managing the land through prioritizing soil. Thanks to Bill and the Kansas Grazing Lands Coalition for making this video available. Bill Sprouls (1 of 2)

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Using Fire to Improve Deer Habitat in the Southern Great Plains

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Dr. Sandra Rideout-Hanzak, research scientist with the Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Research Institute and Associate Professor at Texas A&M University-Kingsville, discussed habitat management of white-tailed deer. She addressed:

  • Using prescribed fire to achieve optimal browse levels
  • Effects of fire on browse and forbs
  • Effects of burning at different times of year (seasons of burn)
  • Prescriptions for weather and firing techniques
  • Pros and cons of using fire for managing habitat
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What Do We Know about the Consequences of Expansion of Juniperus (virginiana) into Grasslands?

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Dr. John Briggs discusses the role of eastern redcedar in grassland degradation. This talk is part of a workshop to understand the problem of juniper encroachment in the Great Plains. Juniper Workshop (4 of 4)

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Invaded, Infested, or Invested? Juniper/Eastern Redcedar Policy Options/Consequences

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Dr. Larry Sanders discussed economic tradeoffs, incentives, and externalities associated with juniper encroachment and treatment. This talk is part of a workshop to understand the problem of juniper encroachment in the Great Plains. Juniper Workshop (3 of 4)

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