We are excited to present an annotated bibliography of patch burn grazing citations. This document is the result of refining Stephen Winter’s periodic updated bibliographies on patch burn grazing. It includes papers representing original research, review and synthesis papers, theses, and a dissertation.
A citation tracker is available online that will allow you to help us update this document in the future. You can add any citations that we are missing into the citation tracker and we hope to periodically update the annotated bibliography. The citation tracker can be reached through the link in the annotated bibliography PDF, and a link on the GP Fire Science Exchange website will soon be available as well.
We are also working to make FRAMES (an online fire database; linked in the annotated bibliography PDF) work better for you. FRAMES is updating keywords and adding new references to match this bibliography as well as a pyric herbivory section that was drafted but not included in the attached document. You can now click on fire and grazing themed searches right from the GP Fire Science Website!