K-12 Education

Management Opportunities and Research Priorities for Great Plains Grasslands

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The Great Plains Grassland Summit: Challenges and Opportunities from North to South was held April 10-11, 2018 in Denver, Colorado to provide syntheses of information about key grassland topics of interest in the Great Plains; networking and learning channels for managers, researchers, and stakeholders; and working sessions for sharing ideas about challenges and future research and management opportunities. The summit was convened to better understand stressors and resource demands throughout the Great Plains and how to manage them, and to discuss methods for improved collaboration among natural resource managers, scientists, and stakeholders. Over 200 stakeholders, who collectively were affiliated with all of the Great Plains States, attended the summit. Attendees included university researchers, government scientists, and individuals affiliated with Federal and State agencies, tribes, the private sector, and nongovernmental organizations. Plenary speakers provided syntheses of current knowledge on key topics to help stage working sessions on working lands, native wildlife and biological diversity, native plants and pollinators, invasive species, wildland and prescribed fire, energy development, and weather, water, and climate. The summit steering committee designed a suite of questions that were asked of participants in each working session. This report is a digest of the input from those who attended the seven working sessions and responded to the structured questions.

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The Prairie That Nature Built

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A children’s book based on science & education.

  “A wild prairie is a lively place in this rhythmic romp with munchers and crunchers above and below the grasses so thick, and fires that flare, and rains that quench and always the prairie grows green. Back matter offers information and activities for a fuller appreciation of this marvelous, disappearing habitat.”

For more info visit here

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Mesquite Response to Prescribed Burning Depends on Fire Intensity

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Mesquite and grass response to prescribed burning depends on fire intensity

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Woody plant encroachment is a well-documented consequence of fire suppression in rangeland ecosystems. 



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2018 Great Plains Fire Summit

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The following recordings include: Every Day is a Burn Day, What if Fire was Outlawed Today, Climate Predictions for South Central US, PBA State Reports, etc.

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Effects of fall burning: Workshop follow-up resources

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October 13, 2015 a diverse group of people interested in grassland fire convened to learn about effects of season of fire and see the results of a fall burn (1‐year post‐burn) at the Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve, Strong City, Kansas


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A review of Characteristics of Burns Conducted Under Modified Prescriptions

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In the semiarid shortgrass steppe region of the Great Plains, interest in prescribed fire as a management tool is rising. A growing body of literature from this region highlights the utility of fire in controlling undesirable species, managing habitat structure, and improving forage, but few seek to directly examine the mechanisms by which burning alters the ecosystem.


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Fire in the Northern Great Plains of North America

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The following review is intended to summarize available literature in order to provide a state-of-the-art understanding of the effects of fire in the Northern Great Plains of North America.


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Cool-season invasive grasses of the Northern Great Plains workshop abstracts and recordings

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The workshop held on March 18-19, 2014 was developed to share current knowledge, technical information, practical management information, and provide training opportunities for private local, federal and state participants that either manage land or work with land managers.


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Synthesis of the effect on fire on lesser prairie-chickens

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Lesser prairie‐chickens are an iconic part of the Great Plains and so their protection is of interest to a variety of stakeholders from landowners to land managers and grassland enthusiasts to researchers.


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