Great Plains Published

Recent Research on Perceived Risks, Legal Liabilities, and Insurance Coverage Associated with Prescribed Burning on Private Lands

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Prescribed burning is a proven land management practice used in forests, rangelands, and other woody plant ecosystems. Despite the many benefits of prescribed burning, including habitat management and wildfire risk reduction, there are still many impediments to its implementation, due primarily to concerns about legal liabilities, weather, capacity and air quality and smoke management (Kobziar et al., 2015).

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New Operational National Satellite Burned Area Product

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Research Brief, published in conjunction with USGS and Southern Rockies Fire Science Network


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Woody Invasion in the Great Plains Diminishes Water Resources

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A new study [2019] from University of Nebraska-Lincoln ecologist and Working Lands for Wildlife partner, Dirac Twidwell, synthesized decades of research on the growing impact of invading conifers.


The Great Plains cover one-fifth of America and provide critical farming and agricultural lands, while hosting numerous grassland-dependent species, like the lesser prairie-chicken. Comprised predominantly of grasslands, the Great Plains depended on regular low-severity fire, which removed woody plants and maintained native grass cover. As historic fire regimes have been altered through fire suppression and land conversion, woody plants like eastern redcedar, Ashe juniper, and mesquite have moved into rangelands at an alarming and increasing rate.

This vegetation conversion is a national issue given how it affects the economies of several states that play key roles in agricultural production and wildlife habitat.

For more information visit: here or see attached document 

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Putting Monitoring into Practice: Strategies for Large-Scale Conservation

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Recorded Presentation- Part of the Nebraska Center for Grassland Studies, Fall Seminar Series

Putting Monitoring into Practice: Strategies for Large-Scale Conservation  by Dr. Dirac Twidwell

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Fire Management in Nebraska

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This presentation was part of the 2020 NE Grazing Conference.

Presenter: Chad Bladow, Prescribed Fire Coordinator, The Nature Conservancy—Nebraska Program, Johnstown, NE

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Wildlife Use of Habitat in Response to Prescribed Fire

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This presentation was part of the 2020 NE Grazing Conference.

Presenter: Dave Londe, Graduate Research Assistant, Oklahoma State University, Department of Natural Resources Ecology and Management, Stillwater, OK (listen to Dave Londe’s CGS Podcast episode)

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Can Fire be Replaced in Rangelands to Manage Eastern Redcedar

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This presentation was part of the 2020 NE Grazing Conference.

Presenter: Dirac Twidwell, Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

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Plovers, prairie dogs, and fire: Managing semi-arid rangelands for wildlife and livestock

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Smoke and Roadway Safety Guide

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The Smoke and Roadway Safety Guide provides wildland fire personnel the tools and methods to effectively plan and forecast for roadway smoke impacts and to monitor, respond to, and mitigate smoke on roadways to reduce the risk to the public and fire personnel.

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R e la t iv e B e n e fi t s o f P r e s c r ib e d F ir e t o W ild fi r e

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J o in t V is io n a n d K e y M e s s a g e s o n R e la t iv e B e n e fi t s o f P r e s c r ib e d F ir e t o W ild fi r e

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