Great Plains Published

Texas Outdoor Burning Rules: Wind Speed

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The linked fact sheet helps to clarify the various ways that wind speed is measured. Texas regulations for wind speed are also described


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Remote Wildland Fire Monitor

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For years, fire department administrators have struggled to find an alternative to having firefighters ride on the outside of a moving vehicle to spray wild fires.

Using a remote control nozzle is one alternative. Following research and design, the Kansas Forest Service Fire Shop has produced the first Kansas Forest Service remote wildland fire monitor. Its components are readily available and inexpensive.

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How to use the NOAA site to look up fire weather

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Integrated management of eastern redcedar

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Integrated management of eastern redcedar on pasture and grasslands should be based on a combination of cultural, mechanical, biological and chemical tools to keep this tree from continuing to spread while protecting grassland production and profits. Tree height should be used as a determining factor for control options. Burning, cutting, digging, mowing, use of goats and broadcast herbicide application are effective on trees up to 2 feet tall. Cutting and individual tree herbicide treatments work well on eastern redcedar 2-10 feet tall. Trees over 10 feet in height are most effectively and economically controlled by cutting. The bottom line is “control trees while they are small.”

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Red flag warning and fire weather information

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When considering components such as fuels, topography, and regulations that must be taken into account before conducting a prescribed burn, one factor is completely beyond our control: weather. This publication lists several resources that provide detailed current weather information for a given location.

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Preserving the Tallgrass Prairie

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The tallgrass prairie is one of the most endangered ecosystems in North America. Prescribed burning, the practice of planning and conducting a burn to achieve pre-identified management objectives, was practiced by Native Americans prior to European settlement. Modern grassland managers also burn, using a blend of ecosystem science and practical management to maintain the expansive landscapes of the Great Plains.

Information on the Flint Hills Smoke Management Plan can be found at And additional resources are at

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Prescribed Burning: Effects on Grazing

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John Weir, Oklahoma State University, discusses research from cattle grazing after a prescribed burn.

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Prescribed Burning: Controlling Brush

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John Weir, Oklahoma State University, discusses research on how to control brush on a prairie

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Prescribed Burning: Consequences of Not Burning

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John Weir, Oklahoma State University, discusses the results of research from the areas that aren’t burned in the Season of Burn plots.

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Prescribed Burning: Controlling Sericea Lespedeza

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John Weir, Oklahoma State University, discusses research in controlling sericea lespedeza by using prescribed burning.

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