
Precipitation and fire impacts on small mammals in shortgrass prairie

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The ecological value of shortgrass prairies in North America has become increasingly evident as populations of prairie dog (Cynomys spp.) and burrowing owl (Athene cunicularia) begin to decline.


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Planned burns in the Great Plains

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The varied regions of the Great Plains share a history of fire, for example, the mixed‐grass prairies of the Dakotas, tallgrass prairie of Kansas, and cross timbers of Texas all evolved with periodic burning.


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Interacting fire and grazing is for the birds

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Alteration of grassland disturbance regimes has greatly diminished grassland structural complexity and is likely a contributing factor to the decline in grassland bird populations.


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Fireline first aid kit recommendations

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Conducting planned burns and lighting unplanned fires carries some inherent risk for injury. Even though firefighters train and plan in an effort to reduce risks on the fireline, accidents still happen.


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Surging Wildfire in the Great Plains Biome

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Victoria Donovan of the University of Nebraska at Lincoln presenting a webinar for the Great Plains Fire Science Association.

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