K-12 Education

NASA Fire Map

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Fire Information for Resource Management System, can be accessed and used via browser here


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Kentucky bluegrass invaded rangeland: Ecosystem implications and adaptive management approaches

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SRM Publications

Kentucky bluegrass invaded rangeland: Ecosystem implications and adaptive management approaches

• Fire, grazing, and their combination are promising tools for managing Kentucky bluegrass to maintain diverse and productive grasslands

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Colorado Post Fire Playbook

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Guidance for Counties, Tribes, Municipalities, and Water Providers

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Landowner perception of information about prescribed burning: Influence on the application of this land management tool in the Southern Great Plains

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Research Brief

Landowner perception of information about prescribed burning: Influence on the application of this land management tool in the Southern Great Plains  by: Lars Coleman, Carissa Wonkka, Morgan Treadwell, and Urs Kreuter of Texas A&M University

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Prescribed Fire in the Southern Great Plains: District judges’ perspectives of prescribed fire

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Research Brief

Prescribed Fire in the Southern Great Plains: District judges’ perspectives of prescribed fire


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Prescribed Fire in the Southern Great Plains: Factors influencing county commissioners’ decisions about burn bans

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Prescribed Fire in the Southern Great Plains: Factors influencing county commissioners’decisions about burn bans

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Eastern Red Cedar Tree Control Workshop

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The Mid-Missouri Prescribed Burn Association in cooperation with SD NRCS and SDSU Extension hosted two eastern red cedar tree control workshops entitled “Grass or Cedar: Time to Choose” on March 3rd in Mitchell and March 5th in Yankton. The Yankton workshop was recorded.  The workshop is split into six separate sessions and available on Youtube at:  https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlldDb7IZYqIc80uMFNOSlJwKcQN87XoM. You will find an overview of the cedar tree encroachment problem in South Dakota along the James River and Missouri River valleys, a discussion of non-burning methods of control, an introduction to prescribed burning methods, and a discussion of technical assistance and available NRCS cost share programs.  

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Demonstrating the SBG Features for Fire Ecology and Fire Risk Mapping

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If you want something to die, make it be still: Pyric herbivory promotes pollinator diversity

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Abstract: Fire created and maintains grassland ecosystems around the world, with the pattern and processes in these systems maintained by fire driven grazing – an ecological process called pyric herbivory.  Pyric herbivory creates a patchwork of habitat types across space and time at local, regional, and continental scales, with each patch in a different state of post fire and grazing recovery. This diverse and shifting mosaic of habitat is what native wildlife in grassland ecosystems evolved with, and most wildlife species in these systems depend on more than one type of habitat to complete their life cycles.

For more information: Here


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Fire Effects: Fencing

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The effects of fire on livestock fencing is a concern following wildfires, as well as before applying prescribed fire. There are many opinions and beliefs about what fire does to fencing materials. This fact sheet will present findings from several studies that investigated the impacts of fire on fencing materials in grasslands.

For more information, see attachment below. 

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