K-12 Education

Prescribed Burn 1: Fireguards / Firebreaks 1 of 3

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This is the first of several Fireguard videos. This video is designed to help land owners and managers build effective fireguards. These videos are to be used as learning tools and necessarily show mistakes made by the crews in the footage. That is why we are showing them.

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Braids of Truth: “Collaboration Challenges”

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Part 3 of 3. How can agencies, institutions and tribal cultures communicate about issues that relate to ecology and lifeways when the terms can mean different things? Is it learning how to talk or how to listen?

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Braids of Truth: “Climate Change”

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Part 2 of 3. Elders, scientists and cultural leaders discuss the effects of climate change on the earth, culture and peoples and the differences between western science and traditional ecological principles.

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Braids of Truth: “Fire & Forest Management”

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Part 1 of a 3 part series. Elders and forest professionals discuss the traditional and contemporary uses of fire and challenges to forest management practices.

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Braids of Truth: “Introduction”

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The “Braids of Truth” video series resulted from a meeting that occurred in June 2010 between tribal leaders, scientists, resource managers, and academics. The goal was to integrate traditional Native American stewardship with current scientific knowledge to find ways to manage land while preserving culture and natural resources.

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Season of Grass: Northern Mixed Grass Prairie

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Our northern mixed grass prairie video was taken at Ft. Keogh, Montana. The Agricultural Research Service research station hosted the camera in 2015. 2015 was a drought year so the plant productivity was less than normal.

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Season of Grass: The Prairie Rejuvenated after a Prescribed Burn

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You asked for it! We heard you ask for a photo series that captures the recovery of tallgrass prairie after a burn. We now have time lapse videos of the tallgrass and northern mixed grass prairies showing changes to the plant communities post-burn.

The tallgrass video was taken over the course of a year at a Kansas State University Prairie in the Flint Hills (Rannells pasture near Manhattan, Kansas). The burn occurred in the spring and the camera was raised as the plants grew.

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Panhandle Wildfires: Fire on the Prairie

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Months of drought and driving winds contributed to raging wildfires that destroyed almost half a million acres of the Texas Panhandle in March 2006. Thanks to timely rains in the year after the fire, the land is well on the way to recovery. See how the people, the land and the wildlife have been affected by this unprecedented disaster. (this segment can be seen on the Texas Parks & Wildlife television show the week of July 24-31, 2011 on the Texas PBS stations)

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Fire In the Great Plains Series: A Community Approach to Fire

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This video is the fourth in a series describing fire in the Great Plains. The series features ranchers in the region and local experts discussing prescribed fire. This video focuses on the value of working with neighbors and prescribed fire associations to complete burns on private lands.

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Fire In the Great Plains Series: Challenges to Using Fire

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This video is the third in a series describing fire in the Great Plains. The series features ranchers in the region and local experts discussing prescribed fire. This video focuses on challenges land owners face when using prescribed fire. Ranchers talk about how they overcome those challenges.

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