K-12 Education

Photo point monitoring handbook

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Learn how to set up photo points so that you maximize the information they provide.


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Fire and food plots

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This new publication discusses a variety of ways to construct food plots. Fire is discussed as a way of attracting wildlife along with more traditional agricultural approaches such as crop plantings. If you maintain fire breaks on your land, the breaks might be able to serve as places to attract wildlife without disturbing new ground.

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Fire Behavior Field Reference Guide 1992

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This document has been transcribed from a scan of the February 1992 Fire Behavior Field Reference Guide. The scan was converted to editable text using OCR; the text was then edited and formatted. Outdated content referring to BEHAVE was not transcribed. Figures have been included in this document by simple copy-and-paste, not by scanning to an image file. Many figures should be re-created with graphing or illustration software. Tables were either copy-and-pasted or re-created in electronic format.

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Fire Effects Monitoring Handbook

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A comprehensive manual for evaluating fire effects developed by the National Park Service

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NWCG Smoke Management Guide for Prescribed and Wildland fire

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The National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG) has developed this information for the guidance of its member agencies and is not responsible for interpretation or use of this information for everyone except the member agencies. The use of trade, firmor corporation names in this publication are for the information and convenience of the reader and do not constitute an endorsement by NWCG of any product or services to the exclusion of others that may be suitable.

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Getting Started in Prescribed Burning

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Prescribed burning for range improvement has become a common practice during the past few years. This has been especially evident in Texas. Prescribed fire can accomplish many range improvement objectives with a single treatment. For example, one burn can control noxious brush, increase herbage yield, increase utilization, increase forage availability, improve wildlife habitat and control various disease.

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Bureau of Land Management: Measuring and Monitoring

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This technical reference applies to monitoring situations involving a single plant species, such as an indicator species, key species, or weed. It was initially developed for monitoring special status plants.

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“Collaborating for Healthy Forests” Field Guide and Video

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(2011) Forest and range health, along with wildfire, currently dominate management decisions on public lands across much of the United States. Changing conditions on the ground, as well as government initiatives such as the National Fire Plan, the Healthy Forests Restoration Act, and the Cohesive Wildfire Management Strategy, are prompting agency personnel and the public to work together. Collaborating for Healthy Forests and Communities: Building Partnerships Among Diverse Interests showcases on-the-ground experiences of federal and state land managers, as well as community leaders, who are working together to overcome barriers, find agreement, and build partnerships.


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Prescribed burns in the Great Plains

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This fact sheet covers the basics on prescribed fire (a.k..a planned burns) in grasslands.

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Fire Adapted Communities

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Learn about how urban and neighborhood planning can reduce wildfire risks.


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