K-12 Education

Repacking-Prairie touched by light art exhibit

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Repacking the great plains fire science exchange art exhibit. (2 of 2)

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Unpacking-Prairie touched by light art exhibit

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Unpacking the great plains fire science exchange art exhibit. (1 of 2)

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Webinar: Prarie grouse and fire

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Dwayne Elmore presented a webinar on the role of fire in maintaining prairie grouse habitat January 29, 2015.

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Demystifying LANDFIRE’s Biophysical Settings and Descriptions and Models in the Great Plains

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Kori Blankenship describes LANDFIRE’s biophysical settings and resent Great Plains research.

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Masters of Fire: Charles “Butch” Taylor, Jr.

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We interviewed Dr. Charles “Butch” Taylor, Jr. to learn about his career in fire research in Sonora, Texas.

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Measuring Live Juniper Moisture

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Dr. Charles “Butch” Taylor, Jr. demonstrates an easy technique for measuring fuel moisture of live juniper trees. The technique could be used by anyone and is key to anticipating fire behavior in areas with moderate to heavy juniper occurrence.

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Season of Grass: Northern Mixed Grass Prairie

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Watch the post-burn northern mixed grass prairie through 1 year post-burn. This video was taken at Ft. Keogh, MT at the ARS research station.

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Webinar: Fire and parasites: Implications for animal and human ecology and strategic management

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This webinar recording about the effects of fire on horn flies and ticks, was presented by Dr. Derek Scasta from the University of Wyoming. Controlling parasites has implications for human health as well as livestock production.

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Webinar: Economics of Ecological Restoration and Hazard Fuel Reduction Treatments

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Yeon-Su Kim, School of Forestry at Northern Arizona University discussed a recent report describing the economic efficacy of fuels treatments.

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Webinar: The role of fire on the conservation of butterflies, pollinators

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Ray Moranz webinar on butterflies, pollinators, and fire recorded on November 1st, 2013. Ray described the fire-butterfly paradox.

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