Missouri PBA Spotfire Suppression Training

Collins, MO Collins, MO, United States

What to expect: When prescribed fire is planned and conducted responsibly, the chance of fire getting outside the designated burn unit (spotfire) is low, however, the chance is still present. In this training we will start off discussing the aspects of planning, preparing, and implementing prescribed burns that reduce the chance of spotfires. We will…

Physics-based modeling of fire spread in urban areas

WEBINAR: California Fire Science Seminar Series  "Physics-based modeling of fire spread in densely-built urban areas - some implications to the modeling of fire spread in WUI fires" Presented by: Keisuke Himoto

Webinar: Perspective of Southwest Tribal Forest & Fire Management

A native perspective of the development, growth, and strength of New Mexico tribal programs and efforts to protect, preserve, and enhance tribal forest resources will be highlighted.  This perspective is shared based on over 30 years of experience, working with tribal communities across the US, within the context of federal service with the Department of…

Examining the Social Dynamics of Fire Management

Reflections from 20 years- Examining the Social Dynamics of Fire Management   Sarah McCaffrey, PhD, retired in 2022 after 20 years as a fire social scientist with the US Forest Service where her research focused on understanding the social dynamics of fire management. This included research projects that examined the role of risk perception and risk…

Joint-agency Burn Workshop

Neosho County Community College 900 East Logan St, Ottawa, KS, United States

The K-State Research and Extension Frontier District will host a school to teach attendees how to plan and conduct a safe and effective prescribed burn of grasslands. Tools needed for burns will also be discussed. The school will be held 9:30 a.m.–3:00 p.m. on Monday, Feb. 26 at the Neosho County Community College Ottawa Campus.…