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Southern Missouri Prescribed Fire Training Exchange (TREX) 

March 3 @ 8:00 am - March 14 @ 5:00 pm

Description: Looking for an opportunity to sharpen your prescribed fire skills? We invite you to participate in the Southern  Missouri TREX, where putting good fire on the ground is just as important as providing quality training opportunities for  participants.  

Who can participate? Prescribed/Wildfire staff including federal, state, tribal, and non-governmental organizations, private  practitioners, and higher education faculty/students. We are committed to diversity and respect for people, communities,  and culture. All will be welcome!  

Unfamiliar with TREX? Click here for more information: https://firenetworks.org/trex/ 

Registration Fee: None—this event is being sponsored through a USFS: Cohesive Strategy grant. We wish to make this  training as accessible to everyone as possible.  

Work Hours and Travel: Will need to be covered by your home unit. 

Meals and Lodging: Both provided for the duration of the event. Lodging is shared bunk space or camping area if preferred. 

Participant Requirements:  

• Participants must be current and qualified NWCG-FFT2, or have completed NWCG courses S-130, S-190, L-180, ICS 100, I-700 (all of which are available for free online). Contact Ryan Gauger ([email protected]) for more information on  these trainings; verification of training is required to attend.  

• Participants must have completed an arduous pack test within the past year. Completion of a moderate pack test is  acceptable if coming as a TRXCM (Rx crewmember) position. A pack test will be offered to those who need one and  cannot obtain one prior to the TREX start date.  

• Participants must have health insurance which will cover personal injury (e.g., workers’ comp, health or travel insur ance)  

• Participants must bring fire-approved boots (all leather, 8-inches tall, Vibram soles, with no steel toe). Participants  should come with all appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), including: a Next Generation Fire Shelter, a  hard hat, Nomex clothing, all leather gloves, eye protection and canteens for up to 1 gallon of drinking water. If you do  not have proper PPE, please let us know, we will work with you to find any items you do not have. Please indicate your  needs on the application. 

We need your help! If your agency/organization is able to provide a Type 6 Engine, crew cab truck, and/or UTV with water  pumper for this event, your application will receive priority in the nomination process.  

Registration: To apply, complete this nomination form by December 6, 2024  https://form.jotform.com/243055748929166

(notifications of will be sent out by mid-December) 

Questions: Please contact Ryan Gauger ([email protected] or 812-599-2562)  

Event partners include: The Nature Conservancy, US Forest Service: Mark Twain National Forest, Missouri Department of  Conservation, Missouri Prescribed Fire Council, Missouri Department of Natural Resources, and US Fish and Wildlife Service.


Marshfield, MO United States + Google Map