Missouri PBA Spotfire Suppression Training
January 20
What to expect:
When prescribed fire is planned and conducted responsibly, the chance of fire getting outside the designated burn unit (spotfire) is low, however, the chance is still present. In this training we will start off discussing the aspects of planning, preparing, and implementing prescribed burns that reduce the chance of spotfires. We will then take to the field in the to demonstrate the response to fire outside the burn unit and use prescribed burn equipment to suppress and extinguish the fire. Participants will have the opportunity to work with a crew to gain hands-on experience. The field exercise will be in a prepared and controlled location with participant and public safety the utmost priority. We’ll wrap the day up with lighting the rest of the unused area up as a prescribed burn so there will be opportunity to experience that as well.
Click the link here to register: https://form.jotform.com/233115771171147